Sunday, January 18, 2009

People are not in love with goals.

Now there’s a bold statement that I’m happy to stand by and back up.

There are as many ways to create, plan, set, identify and executegoals poster, fulfill, and achieve goals as there are flavours of ice cream.  I ’m mindmap goalsaying that regardless of what method you use to achieve your goals; it is not really the goal that calls you forth but rather, it is the benefit you receive as a result of accomplishing the goal and what the benefits make possible.

And that’s why I say people are not in love with goals. But they are in love with the benefit of the goal.

And so what about that?mindmapjpeg

Well, get clear about your goals and get even clearer about the benefits and you will have off the charts results.

Let’s say I need to lose 50 lbs. – if you know me you would be nodding your head right now. 

I can tell you that this goal is not something I am in love with, far from it. Who the hell would be in love with that? But I would sure  be in love with the benefits of achieving this goal!


I would have new clothes; have more energy, do more activities and have much better health. You see, it doesn’t matter if I wanted to lose one or one hundred pounds, the outcome is the same….I am compelled by what is possible as a result of having achieved the goal  -  not the goal itself. By the way, goals are in the context of intention.

In 2009, my intention is to be healthy. So the goal of losing weight is just one of the measured milestones of my intention.

Believe me the thought of what I have to do to lose the weight is not inspiring, in fact it exhausts me to even think about it. So how do I get past this lethargy and on to fulfilling my intention?

Here are the steps I use to fulfill a goal:pen and paper by Janny Brocken

  • On a sheet of paper I write my goal and I make sure it is clearly defined with numbers and dates. (I like to write with a pen, I’m not sure why, but something different happens to me when I use pen versus typing.)
  • Then I write down the benefits of achieving the goal. And I write for 12 solid minutes without lifting my pen. (this takes a few sheets of paper)
  • Sounds like an eternity! Yes take the full 12 minutes and get into it. The key is to build on the previous benefit and build and build until you can go no further.
  • Here is an example:
    • The benefit of (goal) e.g. losing weight is…
    • And the benefit of that is….
    • And the benefit of that is
    • And once you have achieved that what will you do?
    • And then what will you do
    • And what would be the benefit of doing that
    • And then, and then and then?
    • And then what will you do, and what will that make available and what will you do with that?
  • If you do this exactly as I have said here you will know when you are complete because you will be moved. You will be emotional and inspired. Keep writing until you get to that place.

One of my clients could not believe that accomplishing a simple goal like clearing and organizing her home office desk led to participating in Habitat for Humanity, still another client lost 20 lbs and he ended up proposing to his girlfriend.

Discipline Is The Bridge by _Hans van de Vorst

So that’s why I say we are not in love with goals – we are in love with the benefits of the goals and what is possible when we achieve them.

Just think of how the world could be transformed by starting with a couple of steamed vegetables, an uncluttered desk or a trip on the elliptical!


Maria Killam said...

Wow, I just love that last image! Great lesson here, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to start the 12 minute write ! I started a 'diet' ad exercise program and writing down all the benefits will help when I want to eat a big mushy white bun with lots of butter . . .